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Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers group picture

Debian KDE Team December 2007

Debian KDE Meeting. Cáceres, Extremadura, Spain, 15th December 2007

Top, from left to right: Modestas Vainius, Sune Vuorela. Sitting, from left to right: Armin Berres, Ana Guerrero, Fathi Boudra.

P.S: Still pending send a mail about the decisions taken in the meeting :)


  • Cek said, on 2007-12-26 21:36:26+01:00:

    I know that place. Cool!!! :)

  • Kde-bian Fan said, on 2007-12-27 01:41:17+01:00:

    As a KDE Debian user... Thank you for your superb work to all of you!

  • PICCORO said, on 2008-04-11 17:21:25+02:00:

    i know u speak spanish, so, i glad to read the resolution about including KDE4 into debian brand! it realy not related, but KDE 3.X runs well in my K6-II AMD but KDE4 packagin runs slow... the principal reason is the svg reading of icons! needs more math calculations, solved with cachet but i'm not hv lots of ram!

    gracias por todo el esfuerso tambien, yo pretendo desarrrollar mi conocimiento de programacion para dar soporte a clases mas bajas en materia informatica/computacion para que todo aquel pueda acceder a una pc, claro para ello necesito versiones no tan actuales de sofware...

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